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authorJulien Dessaux2009-08-07 00:20:58 +0200
committerJulien Dessaux2009-08-07 00:20:58 +0200
commit7a9d187421cf1d809d7d0bc8a46f3b7b6b5b028c (patch)
parentWrote the ping pong stuff (diff)
Began to write the commands' stuff, and made a working reboot.
2 files changed, 29 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/Hsbot/IRC.hs b/Hsbot/IRC.hs
index cd6b7b8..abac6b2 100644
--- a/Hsbot/IRC.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/IRC.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ data IrcOutput = Str String -- a regular string
-- | Parses an IrcInput
parseIrcMsg :: String -> IrcInput
-parseIrcMsg _ = Err "Parsing not yet implemented"
+parseIrcMsg str = (Cmd "user" "channel" (str, Just "args"))
-- | Connects to a server
connectServer :: IrcServer -> IO (IrcServer, Handle)
diff --git a/Hsbot/Main.hs b/Hsbot/Main.hs
index dad568a..3ced3a5 100644
--- a/Hsbot/Main.hs
+++ b/Hsbot/Main.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
module Hsbot.Main
( imain
+ , imain'
) where
import Control.Concurrent
@@ -26,7 +27,23 @@ imain' modul' reboot bot = do
servers' <- mapM connectServer (ircServers C.config)
putStrLn "Joining channels..."
mapM_ initServer servers'
- return ()
+ putStrLn "Spawning threads..."
+ chan <- newChan :: IO (Chan IrcOutput)
+ mapM_ (forkIO . listener chan) servers'
+ state <- monitor chan bot
+ reboot modul' bot
+-- | Bot main loop, monitors the threads states and handle reboot
+monitor :: (Chan IrcOutput) -> Bot -> IO Bot
+monitor chan bot = do
+ loop bot
+ where loop bot' = do
+ input <- readChan chan
+ case input of
+ Reboot ->do
+ putStrLn "Got reboot message, rebooting"
+ return bot'
+ Str str -> putStrLn ("received : " ++ str) >> loop bot'
-- | Thread entry point for socket listeners
listener :: (Chan IrcOutput) -> (IrcServer, Handle) -> IO ()
@@ -34,5 +51,14 @@ listener chan (server, handle) = forever $ do
str <- hGetLine handle
writeChan chan (Str str)
if ping str then pong handle str
- else return ()
+ else eval (parseIrcMsg str)
+ where
+ eval str
+ | (Cmd user channel (cmd, args)) <- str = do
+ let cmd' = tail cmd
+ unless (null cmd') (parseCmds user cmd' args channel)
+ parseCmds user cmd args channel
+ | cmd == "reboot" = writeChan chan Reboot
+ | otherwise = do
+ putStrLn $"Unknown command : " ++ cmd