const std = @import("std"); const spoon = @import("spoon"); const game = @import("game.zig"); var term: spoon.Term = undefined; var done: bool = false; //----- Game State ----------------------------------------------------------- var gs: game.Game = undefined; //----- Main ----------------------------------------------------------------- pub fn main() !void { try term.init(); defer term.deinit(); std.os.sigaction(std.os.SIG.WINCH, &std.os.Sigaction{ .handler = .{ .handler = handleSigWinch }, .mask = std.os.empty_sigset, .flags = 0, }, null); var fds: [1]std.os.pollfd = undefined; fds[0] = .{ .fd = term.tty.handle, .events = std.os.POLL.IN, .revents = undefined, }; try term.uncook(.{}); defer term.cook() catch {}; try term.fetchSize(); try term.setWindowTitle("Grenade Brothers", .{}); gs.reset(.left); try renderAll(); var buf: [16]u8 = undefined; while (!done) { // TODO We need to measure how long it took before a key was hit so that we can adjust the timeout on the next loop // otherwise we will get inconsistent ticks for movement steps const timeout = try std.os.poll(&fds, @floatToInt(u64, 1000 / 60.0)); if (timeout > 0) { // if timeout if not 0 then some fds we are polling have events for us const read = try term.readInput(&buf); var it = spoon.inputParser(buf[]); while ( |in| { if (in.eqlDescription("escape") or in.eqlDescription("q")) { done = true; break; } else if (in.eqlDescription("arrow-left") or in.eqlDescription("a")) { gs.moveLeft(); } else if (in.eqlDescription("arrow-right") or in.eqlDescription("d")) { gs.moveRight(); } else if (in.eqlDescription("arrow-up") or in.eqlDescription("space")) { gs.moveJump(); } } } else { gs.step(); } try renderAll(); } } fn renderAll() !void { var rc = try term.getRenderContext(); defer rc.done() catch {}; try rc.clear(); if (term.width < 80 or term.width < 24) { try rc.setAttribute(.{ .fg = .red, .bold = true }); try rc.writeAllWrapping("Terminal too small!"); return; } try gs.draw(&rc); } fn handleSigWinch(_: c_int) callconv(.C) void { term.fetchSize() catch {}; renderAll() catch {}; } /// Custom panic handler, so that we can try to cook the terminal on a crash, /// as otherwise all messages will be mangled. pub fn panic(msg: []const u8, trace: ?*std.builtin.StackTrace) noreturn { @setCold(true); term.cook() catch {}; std.builtin.default_panic(msg, trace); }