const std = @import("std"); const spoon = @import("spoon"); const ball = @import("ball.zig"); pub const Side = enum(u1) { left, right, }; const startingX = [2]f64{ 15, 60 }; const colors = [2]spoon.Attribute.Colour{ .blue, .red }; const leftLimit = [2]f64{ 1, 41 }; const rightLimit = [2]f64{ 34, 74 }; // (38, 79) minus a brother's width pub const Brother = struct { side: Side, x: f64, y: f64, dx: f64, dy: f64, moveDuration: u64, pub fn draw(self: Brother, rc: *spoon.Term.RenderContext) !void { try rc.setAttribute(.{ .fg = colors[@enumToInt(self.side)] }); var iter = std.mem.split(u8, brother, "\n"); var y = @floatToInt(usize, std.math.round(self.y)); var x = @floatToInt(usize, std.math.round(self.x)); while ( |line| : (y += 1) { try rc.moveCursorTo(y, x); _ = try rc.buffer.writer().write(line); } } pub fn moveJump(self: *Brother) void { if (self.dy == 0) { // no double jumps! TODO allow kicks off the wall self.dy -= 4 / (1000 / 60.0); } } pub fn moveLeft(self: *Brother) void { self.dx -= 5 / (1000 / 60.0); self.moveDuration = 24; } pub fn moveRight(self: *Brother) void { self.dx += 5 / (1000 / 60.0); self.moveDuration = 24; } pub fn step(self: *Brother, b: *ball.Ball) void { // Horizontal movement const x = self.x + self.dx; const ll = leftLimit[@enumToInt(self.side)]; const rl = rightLimit[@enumToInt(self.side)]; if (x < ll) { self.x = ll; self.dx = 0; self.moveDuration = 0; } else if (x > rl) { self.x = rl; self.dx = 0; self.moveDuration = 0; } else { self.x = x; if (self.moveDuration > 0) { self.moveDuration -= 1; if (self.moveDuration == 0) { self.dx = 0; } } } // Vertical movement const y = self.y + self.dy; if (y < 12) { // jumping self.y = 12; self.dy = -self.dy; } else if (y > 17) { // falling self.y = 17; self.dy = 0; } else { self.y = y; } // Check for ball collisions if (b.y >= y and b.y <= y + 2 and b.x >= x and b.x < x + 5) { if (b.dy > 0) { b.dy = -b.dy / 1.5; } b.dx = b.dx / 2.0; var strength: f64 = 1; if (b.dx > 0 and self.dx < 0) strength *= 2; // moving in opposite directions if (y < 12) { // jumping strength *= 2; } if (b.x < x + 1) { b.dx -= strength * 4 / (1000 / 60.0); } else if (b.x < x + 2) { b.dx -= strength * 2 / (1000 / 60.0); } else if (b.x < x + 3) { var modifier: f64 = 1; if (self.side == .left) modifier = -1; b.dx += modifier * strength * 2 / (1000 / 60.0); } else if (b.x < x + 4) { b.dx += strength * 2 / (1000 / 60.0); } else { b.dx += strength * 4 / (1000 / 60.0); } b.dy = b.dy * strength - 0.04; } } pub fn reset(self: *Brother, side: ?Side) void { if (side) |s| { self.side = s; } self.x = startingX[@enumToInt(self.side)]; self.y = 17; self.dx = 0; self.dy = 0; self.moveDuration = 0; } }; const brother = \\█ █ \\█ █ █ \\█████ \\█████ \\█ █ \\█ █ ;