package Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module::Avalon; { $Avalon::Arthur::VERSION = '0.07'; }; use strict; use warnings; use v5.12; use experimental qw(autoderef switch); use Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Store::DBI; use List::Util qw(shuffle); use Math::Random::Secure qw(rand); use POE; use Time::HiRes qw(time); use base qw(Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Module); ### Game logic ############################################################### use enum qw(GAMESTART TEAM TEAMVOTE QUESTVOTE ASSASSINGUESS); use enum qw(NUMBER_OF_EVIL_PLAYERS FIRST_QUEST SECOND_QUEST THIRD_QUEST FOURTH_QUEST FIFTH_QUEST SPECIAL_QUEST_RULE); my %gamerules = ( # number of players => ( number of evil, players on first quest, second, third, fourth, fifth, number of fail for fourth quest success ) 5 => [ 2, 2, 3, 2, 3, 3, 0], 6 => [ 2, 2, 3, 4, 3, 4, 0], 7 => [ 3, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 1], 8 => [ 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 1], 9 => [ 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 1], 10 => [ 4, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 1], ); sub check_endgame_and_proceed { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon}; given ($av->{gamephase}) { when (TEAMVOTE) { if ($av->{round}->{failed_votes} == 5) { $self->evil_wins; } else { $self->new_king; } } } } sub evil_wins { my ( $self, $who ) = @_; my $av = $self->{avalon}; my $evil_msg = "WINNERSIDE EVIL $av->{roles}->{ASSASSIN}->[0] " . join(' ', @{$av->{roles}->{EVIL}}); $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => $evil_msg ); $self->reset_game; } sub game_ready { my $av = shift->{avalon}; return ( $av->{gamephase} == GAMESTART and scalar keys $av->{registered} >= 5 ); } sub kick { my ( $self, $who ) = @_; my $av = $self->{avalon}; return unless $who ~~ $av->{registered}; my $avdb = $self->{avdb}; my $entry = $who . $av->{registered}->{$who}->{version}; my $score = $avdb->get('KICKS', $entry); $avdb->set('KICKS', $entry, defined $score ? int($score) + 1 : 1); $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "UNREGISTERED $who" ); delete $av->{registered}->{$who}; $self->reset_game if $who ~~ $av->{players}; } sub load_avalon_db { my $self = shift; # This database stores registrations and bans $self->{avdb} = Bot::BasicBot::Pluggable::Store::DBI->new( dsn => "dbi:SQLite:dbname=arthur.sqlite", table => "arthur", ); } sub new_king { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon}; my ($players, $rules) = $self->rules; $av->{king} = ($av->{king} +1) % $players; $av->{team} = []; $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "KING $av->{players}->[$av->{king}] $rules->[$av->{round}->{id}] $av->{round}->{failed_votes}" ); $av->{gamephase} = TEAM; $av->{lastcall} = 0; $self->set_timeout(58); } sub reset_game { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon}; $av->{gamephase} = GAMESTART; $av->{players} = []; $av->{roles} = { 'MERLIN' => [], 'ASSASSIN' => [], 'GOOD' => [], 'EVIL' => [], }; $av->{king} = 0; $av->{team} = []; $av->{votes} = {}; $av->{quests} = { pass => 0, fail => 0 }; $av->{round} = { id => 1, failed_votes => 0 }; $av->{lastcall} = 0; $self->start_game if $self->game_ready; } sub rules { my $av = shift->{avalon}; my $players = scalar keys $av->{players}; return ($players, $gamerules{$players}); } sub set_timeout { my ( $self, $value) = @_; $poe_kernel->alarm( avalon_timeout => time() + $value ); } sub start_game { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon}; my @players = shuffle keys $av->{registered}; @players = @players[0..9] if scalar @players > 10; $av->{players} = \@players; $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "GAMESTART " . join(' ', @players) ); $self->set_timeout(10); } sub timeout_occurred { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon}; given ($av->{gamephase}) { when (GAMESTART) { return unless $self->game_ready; # First we prepare the characters pool my ($players, $rules) = $self->rules; my $evils = $rules->[NUMBER_OF_EVIL_PLAYERS]; my @characters = ( 'MERLIN', 'ASSASSIN'); for (my $i = 1; $i < $evils; $i++) { push @characters, ( 'EVIL' ); } for (my $i = $evils + 1; $i < $players; $i++) { push @characters, ( 'GOOD' ); } my @shuffled = shuffle @characters; # Then we assign roles for (my $i = 0; $i < $players; $i++) { my $role = pop @shuffled; push $av->{roles}->{$role}, $av->{players}->[$i]; $self->say( channel => 'msg', who => $av->{players}->[$i], body => "ROLE $role"); } # Now we give special information to special characters my $evil_msg = "EVIL $av->{roles}->{ASSASSIN}->[0] " . join(' ', @{$av->{roles}->{EVIL}}); $self->say( channel => 'msg', who => $av->{roles}->{MERLIN}->[0], body => $evil_msg ); $self->say( channel => 'msg', who => $av->{roles}->{ASSASSIN}->[0], body => $evil_msg ); $self->say( channel => 'msg', who => $_, body => $evil_msg ) foreach (@{$av->{roles}->{EVIL}}); # Finally we designate the first king $av->{king} = rand($players); $self->new_king; } when (TEAM) { if ($av->{lastcall}) { $self->kick($av->{players}->[$av->{king}]); } else { $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "RULENOW $av->{players}->[$av->{king}]" ); $self->set_timeout(2); $av->{lastcall} = 1; } } when (TEAMVOTE) { foreach (@{$av->{players}}) { next if (exists $av->{votes}->{$_}); if ($av->{lastcall}) { $self->kick($_); } else { $self->say( channel => 'msg', who => $_, body => "VOTENOW" ); } } unless ($av->{lastcall}) { $self->set_timeout(2); $av->{lastcall} = 1; } } default { $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "timeout" ); } } } ### IRC methods override ###################################################### sub connected { my $self = shift; $poe_kernel->state( 'avalon_timeout', $self, 'timeout_occurred' ); } sub init { my $self = shift; my $av = $self->{avalon} = {}; $self->load_avalon_db; $av->{config} = $self->bot->{store_object}->{store}->{cfg}->{cfg}; $av->{gamesplayed} = 0; $av->{registered} = {}; $self->reset_game; } sub help { return "The avalon game simulator :"; } sub told { my ( $self, $mess ) = @_; my $who = $mess->{who}; my $body = $mess->{body}; my $ispriv = defined $mess->{address}; my $av = $self->{avalon}; my $avdb = $self->{avdb}; my ( $command, @args ) = split /\s+/, $mess->{body}; given ($command) { when ("REGISTER") { return 'ERR_BAD_ARGUMENTS' if scalar @args != 3; my ( $owner, $bot_version, $protocol_version ) = @args; return 'ERR_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH' if $protocol_version ne $Avalon::Arthur::VERSION; my $record = $avdb->get('REGISTRATIONS', $who); if ($record) { return 'ERR_NICK_RESERVED' if $record ne $mess->{raw_nick}; return 'ERR_BANNED' if $avdb->get('KICKS', $who . $bot_version) and int($avdb->get('KICKS', $who . $bot_version)) >= 3; } else { $avdb->set('REGISTRATIONS', $who, $mess->{raw_nick}); } $av->{registered}->{$who} = { owner => $owner, version => $bot_version }; $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "REGISTERED $who" ); $self->start_game if $self->game_ready; } when ("REGISTERED") {} when ("UNREGISTER") { return unless $av->{registered}->{$who} or $who ~~ $av->{players}; delete $av->{registered}->{$who}; $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "UNREGISTERED $who" ); if ($av->{gamephase} == GAMESTART or (scalar @args > 0 and $args[0] eq "now" and $who ~~ $av->{players})) { $self->reset_game; } } when ("UNREGISTERED") {} when ("GAMESTART") {} when ("ROLE") {} when ("EVIL") {} when ("KING") {} when ("RULENOW") {} when ("TEAM") { $self->kick($who) unless ($av->{gamephase} == TEAM and $who eq $av->{players}->[$av->{king}]); my ($players, $rules) = $self->rules; my $team_size = $rules->[$av->{round}->{id}]; return 'ERR_BAD_ARGUMENTS' if scalar @args != $team_size; foreach (@args) { if ($_ ~~ $av->{players} and !($_ ~~ $av->{team})) { push $av->{team}, $_; } else { $av->{team} = []; return 'ERR_BAD_ARGUMENTS'; } } $av->{gamephase} = TEAMVOTE; $av->{lastcall} = 0; $self->set_timeout(58); } when ("VOTE") { return 'ERR_BAD_ARGUMENTS' unless scalar @args == 1 and $args[0] ~~ [ "yes", "no" ]; my ($players, $rules) = $self->rules; given ($av->{gamephase}) { when (TEAMVOTE) { $self->kick($who) unless $who ~~ $av->{players}; $av->{votes}->{$who} = $args[0] unless exists $av->{votes}->{$who}; if (scalar keys $av->{votes} == $players) { my $score = 0; foreach (keys $av->{votes}) { $score++ if $av->{votes}->{$_} eq "yes"; } $av->{votes} = {}; if ($score > $players / 2) { $av->{round}->{failed_votes} = 0; $av->{votes} = {}; $av->{gamephase} = QUESTVOTE; $av->{lastcall} = 0; $self->set_timeout(58); $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "VOTERESULT PASS $score" ); } else { $self->say( channel => $av->{config}->{''}, body => "VOTERESULT FAIL $score" ); $av->{round}->{failed_votes}++; $self->check_endgame_and_proceed; } } } } } when ("VOTENOW") {} when ("VOTERESULT") {} when ("QUESTRESULT") {} when ("KILLMERLIN") {} when ("KILLMERLINNOW") {} when ("KILL") {} when ("WINNERSIDE") {} when ("INFO") {} when ("GAMEURL") {} when ("ERR_BAD_ARGUMENTS") {} when ("ERR_BAD_DESTINATION") {} when ("ERR_NICK_RESERVED") {} when ("ERR_PROTOCOL_MISMATCH") {} when ("ERR_BANNED") {} when ("ERR_INVALID_TEAM") {} when ("ERR_INVALID_VOTE") {} when ("ERR_VOTE_TIMEOUT") {} when ("ERR_NOT_THE_ASSASSIN") {} when ("ERR_NOT_NOW") {} when ("ERR_JOIN_AVALON_FIRST") {} default {} } } 1;