import * as fs from "fs"; import { PriorityQueue } from "./priority_queue.js"; const regexp = /Blueprint (?<id>\d+): Each ore robot costs (?<ore_ore>\d+) ore. Each clay robot costs (?<clay_ore>\d+) ore. Each obsidian robot costs (?<obsidian_ore>\d+) ore and (?<obsidian_clay>\d+) clay. Each geode robot costs (?<geode_ore>\d+) ore and (?<geode_obsidian>\d+) obsidian./; const ORE=0, CLAY=1, OBSIDIAN=2, GEODE=3; const startingRobots = [1, 0, 0, 0]; const startingRes = [0, 0, 0, 0]; const startingTtl = 32; class Robot { constructor(type, ore, clay, obsidian) { this.type = type; this.cost = [ore, clay, obsidian, 0]; } canAfford(res) { return, i) => res[i] >= r).reduce((acc, v) => acc && v); } schedule(from) { // from is the state we are scheduling from const time = 1 + Math.max( // 1 turn to build + time to gather the limiting resource, i) => from.res[i] >= r ? 0 : Math.ceil((r - from.res[i])/from.robots[i])) // (cost - res)/prod_rate ); if (time >= from.ttl) return null; // we don't have time to build this return new State(, i) => i === this.type ? r+1 : r),, i) => r + from.robots[i] * time - this.cost[i]), from.ttl - time, ); } } class State { constructor(robots, res, ttl) { this.robots = robots; this.res = res; this.ttl = ttl; } nextStates(blueprint) { let ns = []; if (this.ttl > 1) { if (blueprint.maxes[ORE] > this.robots[ORE]) { ns.push(blueprint.bots[ORE].schedule(this)); } if (blueprint.maxes[CLAY] > this.robots[CLAY]) { ns.push(blueprint.bots[CLAY].schedule(this)); } if (blueprint.maxes[OBSIDIAN] > this.robots[OBSIDIAN] && this.robots[CLAY] > 0) { ns.push(blueprint.bots[OBSIDIAN].schedule(this)); } if (this.robots[OBSIDIAN] > 0) { ns.push(blueprint.bots[GEODE].schedule(this)); } } return ns.filter(s => s !== null); } hasPotentialForNewMax(max) { let potential = this.res[GEODE] + this.ttl * this.robots[GEODE] + this.ttl * (this.ttl + 1) / 2; return potential >= max; } } class Blueprint { constructor(b) { =; this.bots = [ new Robot(ORE, b.ore_ore, 0, 0), new Robot(CLAY, b.clay_ore, 0, 0), new Robot(OBSIDIAN, b.obsidian_ore, b.obsidian_clay, 0), new Robot(GEODE, b.geode_ore, 0, b.geode_obsidian), ]; this.maxes = => r.cost).reduce((acc, b) =>, i) => Math.max(v, acc[i]))); } maxGeodes() { let max = { max: 0 }; let nq = new PriorityQueue(new State(startingRobots, startingRes, startingTtl)); while(!nq.isEmpty()) { let elt = nq.dequeue(); const state = elt.element; if (!state.hasPotentialForNewMax(max.max)) continue; if (state.ttl > 1 ) state.nextStates(this).forEach(s => nq.enqueue(s, s.res[GEODE])); if (state.robots[GEODE] === 0) continue; state.max = state.res[GEODE] + state.robots[GEODE] * state.ttl; // compute this state to the end of the ttl for geodes if (max.max < state.max) max = state; } return max.max; } } function load(filename) { return fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf8") .trim() .split("\n") .map(line => new Blueprint(line.match(regexp).groups)) .slice(0, 3); } let example = load("example"); let input = load("input"); function solve(input) { let count = 1; input.forEach(b => count *= b.maxGeodes()); return count; } const exampleOutput = solve(example); if (exampleOutput !== 56 * 62) { console.log("Example failed with " + exampleOutput); process.exit(1); // eslint-disable-line } console.log(solve(input));