-- requires cabal install --lib megaparsec parser-combinators heap vector module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative.Permutations import Control.Monad (void, when) import qualified Data.Char as C import Data.Either import Data.Functor import qualified Data.Heap as H import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Debug.Trace exampleExpectedOutput = Just 94 data Direction = N | S | E | W deriving (Eq, Show) data Tile = Floor | Wall | Slope Direction deriving (Eq, Show) type Line = V.Vector Tile type Input = V.Vector Line type Parser = Parsec Void String parseDirection :: Parser Direction parseDirection = char '^' $> N <|> char 'v' $> S <|> char '>' $> E <|> char '<' $> W parseTile :: Parser Tile parseTile = char '#' $> Wall <|> char '.' $> Floor <|> Slope <$> parseDirection parseLine :: Parser Line parseLine = do line <- some parseTile <* eol return $ V.generate (length line) (line !!) parseInput' :: Parser Input parseInput' = do line <- some parseLine <* eof return $ V.generate (length line) (line !!) parseInput :: String -> IO Input parseInput filename = do input <- readFile filename case runParser parseInput' filename input of Left bundle -> error $ errorBundlePretty bundle Right input' -> return input' newtype Cost = Cost Int deriving (Eq, Num, Ord, Show) newtype NodeId = NodeId Int deriving (Eq, Num, Ord, Show) newtype X = X Int deriving (Eq, Num, Ord, Show) newtype Y = Y Int deriving (Eq, Num, Ord, Show) type Adjacencies = M.Map NodeId [(NodeId, Cost)] -- keys are nodeIds and values are a list of (NodeId, cost) type Nodes = M.Map (X, Y) NodeId -- keys are (x, y) and values are nodeIds type Visited = M.Map (X, Y) () compute :: Input -> Maybe Cost compute input = longuestPath adjacencies (let Just (a:[]) = M.lookup 0 adjacencies in a) where longuestPath :: Adjacencies -> (NodeId, Cost) -> Maybe Cost longuestPath adj (n, c) | n == 1 = Just $ c + 1 | l' == [] = Nothing | otherwise = Just $ c + maximum l' where Just l = M.lookup n adj l' = catMaybes $ L.map (longuestPath adj') l adj' = M.delete n $ M.map (L.filter (\(i, _) -> n /= i)) adj (adjacencies, nodes, _) = explore 0 (M.fromList [(0, []), (1, [])]) (M.fromList [((startx, 0), 0), ((finishx, finishy), 1)]) (M.fromList [((startx, 0), ()), ((finishx, finishy), ())]) startx 1 S explore :: NodeId -> Adjacencies -> Nodes -> Visited -> X -> Y -> Direction -> (Adjacencies, Nodes, Visited) explore node adjacencies nodes visited x y d = L.foldl' explore' (adjacencies, nodes, visited) $ nextSteps x y d where explore' :: (Adjacencies, Nodes, Visited) -> (X, Y, Direction, Bool) -> (Adjacencies, Nodes, Visited) explore' acc@(adjacencies, nodes, visited) (x, y, d, u) | isNothing destination = acc | otherwise = case M.lookup (x', y') nodes of Nothing -> explore node' adjacencies'' nodes' visited' x' y' d Just id -> (adjacencies'', nodes', visited') where destination = let s = goDownAPath visited False x y 1 d in s Just (visited', x', y', cost, u') = destination adjacencies'' = M.adjust (\l -> (node', cost):l) node $ M.adjust (\l -> if u || u' then l else (node, cost):l) node' adjacencies' nodes' = M.insert (x', y') node' nodes (node', adjacencies') = case M.lookup (x', y') nodes of Nothing -> let s = NodeId (M.size nodes) in (s, M.insert s [] adjacencies) Just node' -> (node', adjacencies) goDownAPath :: Visited -> Bool -> X -> Y -> Cost -> Direction -> Maybe (Visited, X, Y, Cost, Bool) -- returns the next intersection's coordinates and cost, and if it is unidirectional goDownAPath visited u x y c d | M.member (x, y) nodes = Just (visited, x, y, c, u) -- we reached an already known intersection | M.member (x, y) visited = Nothing -- this tile has already been visited | isImpossibleSlope = Nothing | ns == [] = Nothing -- we hit a deadend | L.length ns > 1 = Just (visited', x, y, c, u'') -- we hit a crossroads | otherwise = goDownAPath visited' u'' x' y' (c+1) d' where (x', y', d', u') = head ns u'' = u || u' ns = nextSteps x y d visited' = M.insert (x, y) () visited isImpossibleSlope = case getTile (x, y) of Slope s -> s /= d otherwise -> False getTile :: (X, Y) -> Tile getTile (X x, Y y) = input V.! y V.! x nextSteps :: X -> Y -> Direction -> [(X, Y, Direction, Bool)] -- get the list of possible next steps at a point, given where we came from nextSteps x y d = L.map augmentWithUnidirectionality $ L.filter possible [(x-1, y, W), (x+1, y, E), (x, y-1, N), (x, y+1, S)] where augmentWithUnidirectionality :: (X, Y, Direction) -> (X, Y, Direction, Bool) augmentWithUnidirectionality (x, y, d) = (x, y, d, isSlope $ getTile (x, y)) isSlope :: Tile -> Bool isSlope (Slope _) = True isSlope _ = False possible :: (X, Y, Direction) -> Bool possible (x', y', d') | t == Wall = False | d == opposite d' = False -- no going back -- | t == Floor = True | otherwise = True -- o == d' -- our direction must match the slope <- NO, this prevents us from properly finding intersections where t = getTile (x', y') Slope o = t Just start = V.findIndex (== Floor) $ input V.! 0 startx = X start Just finish = V.findIndex (== Floor) $ input V.! finishyy finishx = X finish finishyy = V.length input - 1 finishy = Y finishyy xydToxy :: (a, b, c) -> (a, b) xydToxy (x, y, _) = (x, y) opposite :: Direction -> Direction opposite N = S opposite S = N opposite E = W opposite W = E main :: IO () main = do example <- parseInput "example" let exampleOutput = compute example when (exampleOutput /= exampleExpectedOutput) (error $ "example failed: got " ++ show exampleOutput ++ " instead of " ++ show exampleExpectedOutput) input <- parseInput "input" print $ compute input