-- requires cabal install --lib megaparsec parser-combinators heap vector module Main (main) where import Control.Applicative.Permutations import Control.Monad (void, when) import qualified Data.Char as C import Data.Either import Data.Functor import qualified Data.Heap as H import qualified Data.List as L import qualified Data.Map as M import Data.Maybe import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Vector as V import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as VU import Data.Void (Void) import Text.Megaparsec import Text.Megaparsec.Char import Debug.Trace exampleExpectedOutput = 32000000 example2ExpectedOutput = 11687500 data Pulse = Low | High deriving (Eq, Show) data Module = Normal | FlipFlop Bool | Conjunction (M.Map String Pulse) | Broadcaster deriving (Eq, Show) data Configuration = Configuration Module String [String] deriving (Eq, Show) type Conf = (Module, [String]) type Input = M.Map String Conf type Parser = Parsec Void String parseModule :: Parser Module parseModule = char '%' $> FlipFlop False <|> char '&' $> Conjunction M.empty <|> lookAhead (string "broadcaster") $> Broadcaster <|> lookAhead letterChar $> Normal parseLabel :: Parser String parseLabel = some letterChar parseConfiguration :: Parser Configuration parseConfiguration = Configuration <$> parseModule <*> parseLabel <* string " -> " <*> some (parseLabel <* optional (string ", ")) parseInput' :: Parser Input parseInput' = M.fromList . map (\(Configuration m s l) -> (s, (m, l))) <$> some (parseConfiguration <* eol) <* eof parseInput :: String -> IO Input parseInput filename = do input <- readFile filename case runParser parseInput' filename input of Left bundle -> error $ errorBundlePretty bundle Right input' -> return input' compute :: Input -> Int compute input = let (x, y) = computeX 1000 (0, 0) $ initConjuctions input in x * y where computeX :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Input -> (Int, Int) computeX 0 n _ = n computeX i n input = let (n', input') = compute' (1, 0) [("button", Low, "broadcaster")] input in computeX (i-1) (scoreAdd n n') input' compute' :: (Int, Int) -> [(String, Pulse, String)] -> Input -> ((Int, Int), Input) compute' n signals input | length stepAll == 0 = (n, input) | otherwise = compute' (scoreAdd n $ score stepAll) stepAll alterAll where alterAll :: Input alterAll = L.foldl' alterOne input signals alterOne :: Input -> (String, Pulse, String) -> Input alterOne acc (prev, p, me) = alter p prev me acc (M.lookup me input) alter :: Pulse -> String -> String -> Input -> Maybe Conf -> Input alter _ _ _ input (Just (Normal, _)) = input alter High _ _ input (Just (FlipFlop _, _)) = input alter Low _ me input (Just (FlipFlop False, l)) = M.insert me (FlipFlop True, l) input alter Low _ me input (Just (FlipFlop True, l)) = M.insert me (FlipFlop False, l) input alter p prev me input (Just (Conjunction m, l)) = M.insert me (Conjunction $ M.insert prev p m, l) input alter p _ _ input (Just (Broadcaster, l)) = input alter _ _ _ input Nothing = input score :: [(String, Pulse, String)] -> (Int, Int) score = L.foldl' scoreOne (0, 0) scoreOne :: (Int, Int) -> (String, Pulse, String) -> (Int, Int) scoreOne (x, y) (_, Low, _) = (x + 1, y) scoreOne (x, y) (_, High, _) = (x, y + 1) stepAll :: [(String, Pulse, String)] stepAll = L.foldl' stepOne [] signals stepOne :: [(String, Pulse, String)] -> (String, Pulse, String) -> [(String, Pulse, String)] stepOne acc (prev, p, s) = step p prev s acc (M.lookup s input) step :: Pulse -> String -> String -> [(String, Pulse, String)] -> Maybe Conf -> [(String, Pulse, String)] step _ _ _ acc (Just (Normal, _)) = acc step High _ _ acc (Just (FlipFlop _, _)) = acc step Low _ me acc (Just (FlipFlop False, l)) = acc ++ map (set me High) l step Low _ me acc (Just (FlipFlop True, l)) = acc ++ map (set me Low) l step p prev me acc (Just (Conjunction m, l)) = let p2 = if length (M.filter (\x -> x == High) $ M.insert prev p m) == length m then Low else High in acc ++ map (set me p2) l step p _ me acc (Just (Broadcaster, l)) = acc ++ map (set me p) l step _ _ _ acc Nothing = acc initConjuctions :: Input -> Input initConjuctions input = let r = M.foldrWithKey initConf input input in r initConf :: String -> Conf -> Input -> Input initConf c (_, l) input = L.foldl' initOne input l where initOne :: Input -> String -> Input initOne input s = case M.lookup s input of Just (Conjunction m, l) -> M.insert s (Conjunction (M.insert c Low m), l) input _ -> input scoreAdd (x, y) (x', y') = (x + x', y + y') set :: String -> Pulse -> String -> (String, Pulse, String) set me p s = (me, p, s) main :: IO () main = do example <- parseInput "example" let exampleOutput = compute example when (exampleOutput /= exampleExpectedOutput) (error $ "example failed: got " ++ show exampleOutput ++ " instead of " ++ show exampleExpectedOutput) example2 <- parseInput "example2" let example2Output = compute example2 when (example2Output /= example2ExpectedOutput) (error $ "example2 failed: got " ++ show example2Output ++ " instead of " ++ show example2ExpectedOutput) input <- parseInput "input" print $ compute input