path: root/2024/15-Warehouse_Woes/second.hs
diff options
authorJulien Dessaux2024-12-19 09:21:11 +0100
committerJulien Dessaux2024-12-19 09:21:11 +0100
commitfe10994cdea4698fa93638b474ab07636fbf9262 (patch)
treed6846df94ffac829322ac9df6d085402d154b6bb /2024/15-Warehouse_Woes/second.hs
parent2024-14 in haskell (diff)
2024-15 in haskell
Diffstat (limited to '')
1 files changed, 164 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/2024/15-Warehouse_Woes/second.hs b/2024/15-Warehouse_Woes/second.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5f5f948
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/15-Warehouse_Woes/second.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+-- requires cabal install --lib megaparsec parser-combinators heap vector
+module Main (main) where
+import Control.Monad (void, when)
+import Data.Functor
+import qualified Data.List as L
+import qualified Data.Vector as V
+import Data.Void (Void)
+import Text.Megaparsec
+import Text.Megaparsec.Char
+exampleExpectedOutput = 9021
+data Tile = Wall | Box | Lbox | Rbox | Floor | Robot deriving (Eq, Show)
+type Line = V.Vector Tile
+type Warehouse = V.Vector Line
+data Op = N | S | E | W deriving (Eq, Show)
+data Input = Input Warehouse [Op] deriving Show
+type Parser = Parsec Void String
+parseTile :: Parser Tile
+parseTile = char '#' $> Wall
+ <|> char 'O' $> Box
+ <|> char '.' $> Floor
+ <|> char '@' $> Robot
+parseLine :: Parser Line
+parseLine = do
+ line <- some parseTile <* eol
+ return $ V.generate (length line) (line !!)
+parseOp :: Parser Op
+parseOp = char '^' $> N
+ <|> char 'v' $> S
+ <|> char '>' $> E
+ <|> char '<' $> W
+parseInput' :: Parser Input
+parseInput' = do
+ line <- some parseLine <* eol
+ ops <- some (parseOp <* optional eol) <* eof
+ return $ Input (V.generate (length line) (line !!)) ops
+parseInput :: String -> IO Input
+parseInput filename = do
+ input <- readFile filename
+ case runParser parseInput' filename input of
+ Left bundle -> error $ errorBundlePretty bundle
+ Right input' -> return input'
+type Coord = (Int, Int)
+next :: Coord -> Op -> Coord
+next (x, y) N = (x, y-1)
+next (x, y) S = (x, y+1)
+next (x, y) E = (x+1, y)
+next (x, y) W = (x-1, y)
+showWarehouse :: Warehouse -> String
+showWarehouse w = V.foldl' showOne [] w
+showOne acc line = acc ++ (V.foldl' showTile [] line) ++ "\n"
+showTile acc Wall = acc ++ "#"
+showTile acc Lbox = acc ++ "["
+showTile acc Rbox = acc ++ "]"
+showTile acc Floor = acc ++ "."
+showTile acc Robot = acc ++ "@"
+showTile acc Box = acc ++ "O"
+compute :: Input -> Int
+compute (Input warehouse ops) = V.ifoldl' scoreBoxes 0 warehouse''
+ where
+ scoreBoxes :: Int -> Int -> Line -> Int
+ scoreBoxes acc y line = V.ifoldl' (scoreBox y) acc line
+ scoreBox :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Tile -> Int
+ scoreBox y acc x Lbox = acc + 100 * y + x
+ scoreBox _ acc _ _ = acc
+ warehouse'' = fst $ L.foldl' step (warehouse', start) ops
+ step :: (Warehouse, Coord) -> Op -> (Warehouse, Coord)
+ step a@(w, r@(x, y)) op | t == Wall = a
+ | t == Lbox = case push w r' op of
+ Just w' -> (w', r')
+ Nothing -> a
+ | (op == N || op == S) && t == Rbox = case push w (x'-1, y') op of -- we want to always push boxes from their left side to reduce push cases
+ Just w' ->(w', r')
+ Nothing -> a
+ | t == Rbox = case push w (x', y') op of
+ Just w' -> (w', r')
+ Nothing -> a
+ | otherwise = (w, (x', y'))
+ where
+ r'@(x', y') = next r op
+ t = w V.! y' V.! x'
+ push :: Warehouse -> Coord -> Op -> Maybe Warehouse
+ push w r@(x, y) op | t == Wall = Nothing
+ | (op == N || op == S) && tr == Wall = Nothing
+ | (op == N || op == S) && t == Lbox = case push w (x, y') op of -- pushing a boxes that matches ours
+ Just w' -> let l1 = w' V.! y
+ l1' = l1 V.// [(x, Floor), (x+1, Floor)]
+ l2 = w' V.! y'
+ l2' = l2 V.// [(x, Lbox), (x+1, Rbox)]
+ in Just (w' V.// [(y, l1'), (y', l2')])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ | (op == N || op == S) && t == Rbox = case push w (x-1, y') op of
+ Just w' -> if tr == Lbox then case push w' (x+1, y') op of -- are we pushing two boxes?
+ Just w'' -> let l1 = w'' V.! y
+ l1' = l1 V.// [(x, Floor), (x+1, Floor)]
+ l2 = w'' V.! y'
+ l2' = l2 V.// [(x, Lbox), (x+1, Rbox)]
+ in Just (w'' V.// [(y, l1'), (y', l2')])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ else let l1 = w' V.! y -- or just one on our left
+ l1' = l1 V.// [(x, Floor), (x+1, Floor)]
+ l2 = w' V.! y'
+ l2' = l2 V.// [(x, Lbox), (x+1, Rbox)]
+ in Just (w' V.// [(y, l1'), (y', l2')])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ | (op == N || op == S) && tr == Lbox = case push w (x+1, y') op of -- or just one on our right
+ Just w' -> let l1 = w' V.! y
+ l1' = l1 V.// [(x, Floor), (x+1, Floor)]
+ l2 = w' V.! y'
+ l2' = l2 V.// [(x, Lbox), (x+1, Rbox)]
+ in Just (w' V.// [(y, l1'), (y', l2')])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ | (op == N || op == S) = let l1 = w V.! y -- free space
+ l1' = l1 V.// [(x, Floor), (x+1, Floor)]
+ l2 = w V.! y'
+ l2' = l2 V.// [(x, Lbox), (x+1, Rbox)]
+ in Just (w V.// [(y, l1'), (y', l2')])
+ | t == Lbox || t == Rbox = case push w (x', y) op of -- East-West movements are simpler
+ Just w' -> let l = w' V.! y
+ l' = l V.// [(x, Floor), (x', to)]
+ in Just (w' V.// [(y, l')])
+ Nothing -> Nothing
+ | otherwise = let l = w V.! y -- free space
+ l' = l V.// [(x, Floor), (x', to)]
+ in Just (w V.// [(y, l')])
+ where
+ (x', y') = next r op
+ t = w V.! y' V.! x'
+ tr = w V.! y' V.! (x'+1)
+ to = w V.! y V.! x
+ start = V.ifoldl' findRobot (0, 0) warehouse'
+ findRobot :: (Int, Int) -> Int -> Line -> (Int, Int)
+ findRobot (0, _) y line = (V.ifoldl' findRobotInLine 0 line, y)
+ findRobot a _ _ = a
+ findRobotInLine :: Int -> Int -> Tile -> Int
+ findRobotInLine 0 x Robot = x
+ findRobotInLine a _ _ = a
+ wideWidth = 2 * V.length (warehouse V.! 0)
+ warehouse' = V.map widen warehouse
+ widen line = V.ifoldl' widenOne (V.replicate wideWidth Floor) line
+ widenOne acc x Wall = acc V.// [(2*x, Wall), (2*x+1, Wall)]
+ widenOne acc x Box = acc V.// [(2*x, Lbox), (2*x+1, Rbox)]
+ widenOne acc x Robot = acc V.// [(2*x, Robot)]
+ widenOne acc _ _ = acc
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ example <- parseInput "example2"
+ let exampleOutput = compute example
+ when (exampleOutput /= exampleExpectedOutput) (error $ "example failed: got " ++ show exampleOutput ++ " instead of " ++ show exampleExpectedOutput)
+ input <- parseInput "input"
+ print $ compute input